What To Expect When Putting Your Cat To Sleep


Making the decision to put a pet down is a very upsetting and distressing one, but in some scenarios, it is the kindest thing you can do for them. It’s never easy saying goodbye to a pet you love, which is why learning how to prepare for their passing is important. Understanding ways in which you can commemorate their life and the time you shared may also help you find peace in their absence.

That’s why we’ve created this guide, which covers everything to expect when putting your cat to sleep.

What Happens When A Cat Is Put To Sleep?

If you want to know, your veterinarian will be able to explain the euthanasia process to you, including what drugs are used, what to expect once they are administered, and what your cat will likely feel. This is also the time when you can ask any questions you need answers to for your peace of mind. Hopefully, giving yourself the opportunity to prepare in this way will help alleviate your anxieties.

Comfort Measures You Can Take

Most people who go through this experience wonder, “Did my cat know he was being put to sleep?” The most likely answer is no. However, we still recommend using comfort measures to make sure your cat is as relaxed as possible during euthanasia. This could include wrapping them up in their favourite blankets as well as being present in the room with them.

Although this may be difficult for you, having you there to help them move on could be the comforting, parting gift they need. Plus, you’ll know in their last moments that they were surrounded by the people they loved.

Aftercare Options

No matter how much you prepare yourself, putting a pet down is not easy, which is why your veterinarian will discuss aftercare options with you. As well as deciding what to do with your cat once they pass away. The most common option is cremation, but you can also choose to bury them if you wish. Your vet should provide details of grief counselling and support groups to help you deal with your loss.

How To Cope With The Death Of Your Cat

Losing your cat companion is never going to be easy, but it can be comforting to know that there are some ways you can help manage your grief. You could make a donation to your favourite pet charity in honour of your cat’s memory, for example. There are support lines and charities, such as Blue Cross, that can be there to talk and support you through this time. Another good option is getting a special keepsake that you can keep close by.

At Remembered Forever, we have personalised cat urns available to help give your beloved pet a comforting home in their afterlife. You can view our full pet range here and get in touch for a personalised cat frame in honour of your furry friend.

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Image Source: Canva

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