Five Beautiful Ways To Remember Your Golden Retriever After They Pass


Losing a beloved family pet is heartbreaking for every owner. It doesn’t matter whether it was a sudden death or a long illness, it’s still a huge shock.

Nothing truly prepares you when your golden retriever dies, and it can be hard to process their loss. But as your immediate grief subsides, there are many ways you can celebrate their life and remember them with fondness.

We’ve put together the different ways you can mark your dog’s passing that will give you comfort in the months and years to come:

1. Create A Journal

When your golden retriever has passed away, creating a journal can help deal with your loss. From pup to old companion, you can write down all your happy memories together. Committing your thoughts and stories to paper can be cathartic, help you deal with your grief, and is a wonderful way of keeping your dog’s memory alive.

2. Create A Memorial

It can be comforting to have somewhere to physically remember your golden retriever, much like a gravestone when a person passes. It’s a traditional way of marking their life by carving their name on a bench or putting a headstone in a dedicated spot. The place you choose may be very personal to you – a favoured walking route or park, perhaps a sunny spot in your garden, or even a beautiful picture frame in a peaceful room at home. Wherever you choose it should be special for you and evoke happy memories of your pet.

3. Put Together A Photo Album

Choose a special photo album and print off your favourite pictures of your beloved pet. Taking time to arrange them in the album from their early days as a young puppy to their later years can be a great way to help you deal with your grief and keep their memory alive.

4. Plant A Tree

Planting a tree is another great memorial for a pet – it’s a living, growing reminder of them. You can find a space in your back garden to dedicate to them or choose a spot where they loved to dig or play.

5. Display A Photo Frame Urn In Their Memory

A golden retriever photo frame is a simple way to remember your cherished pet. Displayed on a mantlepiece or in a kitchen it can be a daily memorial to them. If you have ashes from your pet’s cremation you can use a photo frame urn to not only display their image but keep their ashes close by. It can be meaningful and comforting during the grieving process to remember the happy moments you shared.

Here at Remembered Forever, we create photo frame urns for Gold Retrievers to help keep your pet close even after they pass. Please view our pet range of frames or contact us today to find out more.

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Image Source: Canva

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